Individuals present: Rachael G., Stephanie F., Tom G., Megan L., Adam W., Principal G, Sara N., Natalie C.R., Aynna R., Coach Jones, Mr. Brown, Mr. Rich, Joel N., Amanda D., Suzen, Bret L., Denise N., Tamika
Updates from Mr. G
Financial Report
Online fundraiser update and spending
Gardening group
Book Fair
Chipotle fundraiser
Updates from Mr. G
We’ve had a couple of weeks since a COVID case
Interim reports are coming up; staff are working with kids to help them play well together & get used to the routines of the classroom. They're also working on getting athletic coaches to help with recess - possibly through UPenn/Playworks
We had our 1st awards assembly as part of PBIS
Planning on a harvest festival at the end of the month - for kids earning average # of Dojo points. Will try to get an ice cream truck!
Principal Gerwer will be putting out a letter to families about recent Tiktok challenges
Principal Gerwer will be out in the mornings to guide line up procedures
The staff could use some volunteers to hand out supply bags - this week Friday in conjunction with the Dads' event? Aynna, Megan, Mr. Brown will help coordinate
Question re: supply status at the school. We could use more Lysol wipes, water bottles for 6th-8th grades (~120), hand sanitizer
HSA will buy water bottles
We could probably source Lysol wipes and hand sanitizer from the community via a drive. Will blast on Dojo. Timeframe? Next week - bin for supplies 10/20 - 10/22 (Megan will provide bin; Megan, Adam, Rachael will help get supplies in to school). Will also send out link to our Paypal; Steph will work on language for Dojo post
Financial Report
Total available: $6640.55
Funding Fun: $3511.33
Scholastic dollars: $4,405.75
Plan to use toward free books for kids at the book fair (500 kids)
August-September Online fundraiser updates
Picnic benches (~$2200) - will order soon
Plan for remaining funds - let’s stick with the plan of giving cash to teachers to fund social events
Separate $ is being raised for headphones (via UPenn law students), will be available ~end of October
Gardening group meeting up - October 16 at 9am; a POP representative will be present
Shed - Rachael will email Emma to inquire about delivery times for shed/tools
Book Fair in November! In person shopping: November 22 - 24 - 10:30-3:30 (Online shopping window: November 22 - December 5)
Volunteers will be needed - contact Rachael if willing to help out! Rachael will send out a general ask, but definitely email her if you want to help.
People to help with set up, breakdown, and sales of books, baked goods, and HSA gear
Teachers (esp. free book plan)
We are planning to allow each child to get one book free.
Want to make sure every class has time to go to the fair.
“Preview” list will be sent to teachers.
Community members
Other questions?
Inclement weather plan - If we have tents, we could have people wait outside and let a certain number of people into the auditorium at a time. If a small number of people come in at a time with masks on, it could be okay. (Will need one person dedicated to crowd control)
Do we need book fair volunteers to have clearances?
It may be preferable to have them make sure their clearances are up to date.
If you have clearances, you can send them to Mr. Rich and Mr. Brown.
Chipotle fundraiser night
Before (Nov. 8 is only available date) or after Book Fair (7 dates in Dec.)?
Reading days at Penn are 11-14, 15-22 is finals
Let’s go with after Book Fair and promote it at the Book Fair
Can place orders online!
Volunteers for coordinating?
Application - Steph will complete
Promotion - let Steph know if you want to help promote within your networks
Next meeting dates: (7pm over Zoom)
November 10, 2021
December 8, 2021
January 12, 2022
February 9, 2022
March 9, 2022
April 6, 2022 (moved earlier because of spring break)
May 11, 2022
June 8, 2022