Lea Home & School Association
General Meeting 10.10.2024
Introduction to HSA (Sam)
We have a two-pronged mission
Make Lea a great place to learn and work and be; and
Build Community in and around Lea
We do this through raising $$$, chipping in with ideas, labor, in-kind donations, and by staying RelentlessLea positive.
Taking Lea’s Lead: Principal Snyder’s Priorities (Principal Snyder)
Continues to be excited by the engagement and involvement of parents and the HSA, community schools should engage the community.
Priorities over the next 2 year: HSA Fundraising
Fall into 4 buckets:
Teacher Appreciation
Field trips
HSA Plan for 2024-2025:
See draft calendar of events Lea HSA (Draft) Calendar of Events 2024-25
See also Phila SD Academic Calendar: https://www.philasd.org/calendar/
The goal is to have both fundraising events and community building events each month
Ongoing Monthly Fundraisers
School Store + Bake Sale every last Friday of instruction per month
Ongoing Teacher support
Teacher treats, lounge and other space spruce ups, special occasions
Special asks and events
Specific fundraising asks in the Fall/Spring
Giving Tuesday ask in December
Double Good popcorn fundraiser in April
Two Large fundraisers in the fall and Spring
Community Dinner & ChilLea Cook Off 11/23
Lea Madness Basketball Tournament 3/28
Officer Reports
Treasurer Report (Denise)
Current account balance: $5,357, not including pending reimbursements or deposits
Recent event proceeds:
Back to School Night: $274
Sept. Bake Sale/ Pop-Up store: $307
Bake Sale, School Store & Teacher Appreciation (Kathleen)
We sold 52 shirts (most sales were from staff, who were very excited and had lots of ideas for future items)
Future Plans
For Oct. the long sleeve shirts and crew neck sweaters will be done as a preorder
Design will say “Bulldogs” in an athletic font with a paw print
Tote bag design in the works for Nov/December
Exploring the possibilities of setting up a pre-order/online sale for the holidays
Pretzels (Joanna)
Pretzel funds are going to HSA, who will route it to the school activities fund
The plan is to regularly order 150 pretzels/week
Student council will help manage sales
will be getting special passes for early dismissal to assist
School Yard Painting & Spruce Up 10/19
Please share flier and RSVP!
Volunteers (Sam)
The school is enforcing requirements around volunteer clearances. All potential volunteers must also complete the volunteer training
Volunteer Resources:
Volunteer Registration Checklist: https://tinyurl.com/lea-volunteer-checklist-24-25
Lea Volunteer Survey: https://tinyurl.com/lea-volunteer-survey-24-25
RSVP Form for Lea Volunteer Orientation Trainings: https://tinyurl.com/lea-volunteer-rsvp-24-25
Flyer for Lea Volunteer Orientation Trainings
Upcoming volunteer opportunities
Field Day
HSA will be supplying snacks and other treats
Looking for a few volunteers
Fall Festival
Class parties on Halloween (if teachers sign up for them)
Volunteers can come in on that day for parties
After School Hourly Volunteering
Once a week to assist teachers with specific projects
Working on final plan
47th Street Traffic Calming Project (Sam)
The Streets Department will be repaving 47th St and will be making changes to the street with an eye towards improving safety.
Additional background on the project: https://www.phila.gov/documents/48th-47th-project/
Principal Snyder shared some safety priorities for Lea:
Bike lane needs concrete barriers and consider bike lane on eastern side of 47th street
Look at parking options on both sides of street (no parking on school side of 47th and Locust streets)
Look at direction 47th will travel in, N or S, as most parents pull up to curb of school and kids get in on passenger side. (preference would be traffic on 47th Street travels S only)
Look at not allowing certain turns at intersections, depending on direction of 47th street so that it doesn't back-up traffic
Look at updated traffic lights and signage to help with school safety
Look at updated crosswalk accessibility and signage
Interest in piloting shutting down the street during school admissions and dismissal
The focus group for the neighborhood Lea is in, from Chestnut to Spruce Streets, is MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 6:30-8:00 pm, at the West Lofts (on 47th between Locust & Walnut).
If you share the above safety priorities for Lea and wish to attend as a Lea representative to amplify these priorities, you are welcome! Please let us know in the chat if you wish to attend. Note that there are different meetings for affected neighborhoods along 47th Street.
New Initiatives
We’ll be updating the website with several asks for specific initiatives
Kindergarten snack-we will be piloting asking for donations to supply the snack for the kindergarten classes
Coffee Fund- donations to supply the coffee for the teachers lounge
Pre-order Merch-online store coming soon!
Donations (Sam)
This will also help us gauge parent interest in our projects
Kathleen asked for more details on Try Something Day
Principal Snyder shared that this is a program for K-6 (hoping to expand to all grades for next year
Students are offered new fresh foods to try on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday
Will share more in the next MonthLea update
Bret suggests a long term project for school beautification- adding a mural to the blank wall in the big yard
Suggested we potentially engage with Hagopian Arts: https://www.hagopianarts.com/
Meeting Adjourned: 8:25 pm