Individuals present: Rachael G., Principal G, Megan L., Stephanie F., Lizzie R., Amanda D., Adam W., Audrey H., Rich L., Elsa W.
Updates from the principal
Financial Report
Online fundraiser update and spending
Playground opportunities
Back to school night planning
Swag Coordinator
Heads up: Book fair
Updates from the principal
Open house had to be canceled last week due to the weather
First couple of weeks will be about building relationships
L wing is gone, grass was planted, working on getting the basketball hoop re-installed, there is a dumpster on the grounds that needs to be moved (PWD?)
Financial Report
Total available: $6822.50
Funding Fun: $3,463.27
Scholastic dollars: $4,405.75
Plan to use toward free books for kids at the book fair - will need enrollment # from Mr. Gerwer for planning (511 right now)
Have included $40 in reading certificates in raffle baskets
Online fundraiser starting this week: Funding Fun!
How much we raised: $3463.27
Ideas for how to spend the money?
Reusable signage to decorate and direct traffic
Fun door stops
Ways to use the new space where the L wing was? Shed to store outdoor toys, etc?
Picnic or folding tables & benches? Steph will connect with Rich about purchasing tables and benches.
Budget for teachers to submit for reimbursement? Maybe we can do this with leftover money, but uptake can be small. Or, divide money among teachers and distribute -- Mr. G can get us a teacher list.
Safety discussion - CO2 monitors for the school? Outdoor lunch?
Playground/garden opportunities
Gardening group? Possibly Elsa, Amanda, Megan -- set up an initial weeding time; could be helpful to loop in POP volunteer. Maybe work in hidden garden space?
Other ideas for improvements? Rachael is going to install the little free library.
Back to school night planning - possibly Sept. 22
Open house with teachers present?
Might be better to give school supply bags right to the classrooms for students to use if they run out (and to do this sooner rather than later) or distributing at the end of the school day at pick up
Goal for HSA: Selling swag, getting the word out about the HSA and our Google Group/listserve and Facebook page
Swag order updates - plan to order kid t-shirts once logo is done
Volunteers -- for handing out uniforms and for selling swag
Heads up: Book Fair in November!
In person shopping: November 22 - 24 - time TBD
Volunteers will be needed - contact Rachael if willing to help out!
Online shopping window: November 11 - November 25
Swag Coordinator - any volunteers? Lizzie?
Next meeting dates: (7pm over Zoom)
October 13, 2021
November 10, 2021
December 8, 2021
January 12, 2022
February 9, 2022
March 9, 2022
April 6, 2022 (moved earlier because of spring break)
May 11, 2022
June 8, 2022