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9-23-20 Meeting Notes

Individuals Present: Adam, Rachael, Rich, Steph, Miriam, Aaron, Asher, Kelly, Krissy, Jackie, Aynna, Megan, Dell

Agenda Items:

  1. Introductions/Welcome

  2. Updates from Principal G

  3. Fundraising project updates and what to do with remaining funds

  4. Potential new projects

  5. Business Items


Introductions / Welcome

Updates from Principal Gerwer

  1. This is the first week that felt sort of normal. Mr. Gerwer has been able to get into a few classrooms. Staff and students are doing a wonderful job in spite of how difficult this all is. Hopefully we can maintain the schedule.

  2. There is AIMSWeb testing right now and for the next few weeks. Star Testing will start next week for middle grades.

  3. Most of the supplies have been picked up - only 30-40 bags left. Now talking with library partners about getting books into kids’ hands.

  4. Getting a shipment of laptops to the school for families who still don’t have laptops.

  5. Back to school night will be next week. There will be a Back to School Night website.

  6. Our average daily attendance is at 87%. We’re working to get that up. Some of this is related to tech but some of it is getting a hold of people (doing home visits). Tech support Google Meet is open every day but people who regularly need help have decreased.

  7. Lea isn’t on the list for school selection. Will the school be open to siblings? Mr. Gerwer will ask the assistant superintendent tomorrow.

  8. Messaging from the district has been that we will return in .

Fundraising project updates

  1. Covid food fund - further work needed? Let’s hold off on action to give more opportunity for families to reach out. We’ll check in during the October meeting. Maybe have Mr. H attend or at least give a report? Christ Community Church also typically does a food event near the holidays - Mr. Rich will keep us in the loop.

  2. Supply drive - What do we do with the remaining funds? We may want to save some of this money to help purchase PPE. BUT, we could probably easily raise money for PPE. Mr. G could do another request for each grade level to see what teachers would like. We can order based on that.

  3. Scholastic book balance ($7,475.98 as of 8/4/20): How do we use it? Let’s send the information for teachers getting into Scholastic to Mr. G. Krissy will do this.

    1. Rich has been talking with library partners to provide books. He and Mr. G are working on a unified system for teachers to submit requests for books and supplies and purchase them. We want to add all our supply drive and Scholastic book balance to this pot.

Potential new projects

  1. Room parent (or grade parent) system? Mr. G has the room parent idea on his agenda for the building committee meeting.

    1. The parent message board isn’t really working - hard to get on. Mr. Gwill talk to Mr. M about this.

  2. Gearing up for the shift to hybrid - what HSA support is needed? Were asked to create a hybrid plan by Oct. 9 but haven’t heard a peep since. Basically, we don’t really know that much right now.

  3. HSA Dojo account? (Megan) Mr. G doesn’t see a problem with this. Megan will email Mr. M directly to get this up and running.

  4. Kindergarten open house - HSA helped with this in the past, do we want to plan something virtual this fall (Krissy)

    1. There are currently no plans to do a virtual kindergarten open house.

    2. If Lea is not a school selection site, it may not be super beneficial to have one. Deadline for school selection is November 6. BUT, it could be helpful for in-catchment families who are considering going out of catchment.

    3. Krissy will set up a separate meeting for this. Rachel and Miriam are interested in helping. Mike is open to helping if needed. Adam would like to be part of the conversation.

HSA “business” items

  1. Elections - maybe tie in this process with the next supply distribution (2-3 weeks)

    1. Any word back from the Home and School Council? Not really - ideas but no formal procedure. Adam thinks we can come up with our own process and run it by them.

    2. When and how do we do this?

      1. (Megan from PAS peer): Announce in Lea Express & on Dojo.

      2. 200 word statement.

      3. If positions are unopposed then we do not need an election.

    3. Ideas:

      1. Set a date for nominations (advertise for a week) and set a date for elections.

      2. Use Google form for nomination and another for election (maybe 1 week later)

    4. Asher would be interested in helping run the election! The nominating committee will also help (due to bylaws) -- Adam and Dell. Mike will also help.

  2. 501c3 (Megan) -- a PAS parent who is a lawyer is helping us with this process

    1. Update bylaws (dues) - Anyone who wants to help can email Megan

      1. Who manages Dojo communication (secretary?)

    2. Need to have people officially in positions

  3. Philadelphia Home and School Council statement (Mike)

  4. Finalizing meetings for the year (fourth Wed. of each month):

    1. October 28

    2. November 10

    3. December 9

    4. January 27

    5. February 24

    6. March 24

    7. April 28

    8. May 26

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