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5-5-20 Meeting Notes

Individuals Present: Debbie G, Stephanie F , Aquisha H, Amanda B, Rich L, Aynna R, Sara N, Tanya W, Krissy K, Adam W, Megan L, Dell S

1. Introductions / Welcome

2. Officers Updates

  • Tanya W resignation - With one son graduating and one son leaving after this year, this will be her final year in the HSA. Thanks to everyone for these years building structures of support at Lea!

  • Aquisha H is also resigning from the hSA. Her sons will be transitioning to homeschool and she will be focusing on her degree and teaching.

  • We should probably just pick interim President and Treasurer and have the official election in the fall. The District’s Home and School Council is not really functioning at this point. We will talk about the interim president and treasurer at the next meeting.

3. Current Projects

  • Scholastic dollars spending (Krissy) Options - buy curriculum, buy and send book bundles to families. Plan: save the dollars and buy things for new teachers in the fall

  • HSA Dojo Post / HSA Facebook group administration How to create community during this remote learning phase? Dojo is broad but doesn’t foster interactivity. Does it make more sense to build community within classrooms? Idea for Dojo post: Asking for parent volunteers to start up virtual meet-ups for their classes and offer ourselves as resources for how to do it. We could aim for 1-2 parents per grades for grades K-3 (or K-5). It may not be totally necessary for all students since some teachers are having whole-class meetings regularly. There is a healthy amount of socializing happening for these kids. Maybe at this point, it is less necessary. Faculty has gotten into more of a groove. Regardless, it may be good to start getting something moving, especially if we’ll be doing something like this in the fall and because every teacher is doing things differently. We can work on getting a master list of parents available to help serve as “Grade Parent Liaison” -- at least 2 per grade, ideally. These parents can work together to figure out how to create community or support families / connect to resources. (Steph can work on creating an announcement.)

  • Other idea to help recruit more parent involvement: “Parent night” - sharing problems / helping each other (Any volunteers to host?)

  • Virtual Incentives for Middle School Teachers - $100 allotment request (Dell): We could use PayPal. We got receipts from two teachers, so they would be eligible for the other $100. If other teachers have receipts, they could take pictures and send receipts to Megan Lui. Then Megan can PayPal them. Dell let teachers know via email.

4. Future Projects (Krissy): We will table this for later.

  • Summer kindergarten meet up

  • End of summer ice cream social/uniform swap

  • New Lea Swag: window/porch “yard signs”

5. Updates on principal search (Steph): No new updates since the last email -- we put our top two choices forward for second round interviews. Our top choice is being interviewed, and if all goes well, they will be sent up to Hite for the final interview stage. Hope is for the new principal to start before Savage leaves on June 15.

6. Updates from Principal Savage (Rich and/or Principal Savage)

  • Budget for next year (Major changes? Other issues?): Budget was submitted and approved back in March. We are waiting to see if there will be any changes made because of COVID-19. We’re trying to maintain everything as far as staffing and materials.

  • Staffing plan for next year: We are completely hired for next year.

  • Grade team leaders are making plans for a lot of different scenarios, including the possibility of virtual instruction for part of next year.

  • Since schools closed, we haven’t been able to hear much from Facilities, but they have said that some maintenance work is being completed while schools are empty. All of the asbestos in Lea is considered remediated and a ‘non-imminent threat’. We have not heard anything about the L-wing being demolished. The District is now focusing on other things - everything is up in the air.

  • Had last All-Partner meeting of the year this week. No other partner programming for the rest of the year except for UACS. Parents and kids are a little too overwhelmed to ask more of their schedules.

  • Spirit Week - Student Council is planning this. More to come!

  • Grade 8 graduation - virtual ceremony plans are happening

  • Rich will ask Mazzeo to get in touch with Steph to get the HSA Website connected to the Lea school website. Steph will work on getting the HSA site more up to date.

7. We will do a Doodle Poll to figure out our next meeting date.

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