Individuals present: Rachael G., Steph F., Principal G, Dorothy M.S., Adam W., Sara N., Megan L., Rich L, Jenny D., Tina, Mr. Brown, Joel N., Tashi G.
Updates from Principal G
PSSA testing concluded for most students today (science testing for two grades tomorrow)
School planning process nearing completion: plan will go up for public review later this week; working with Penn to make sure kids with IEPs get supports they need. Will be able to send 5-7 staff members to a project-based learning certificate program (through Penn).
8th graders going on a Spirit of Philadelphia cruise! Working on setting up a trip for some of the grades to the zoo
Trying to have a bigger presence in the school yard in the afternoons to reinforce good behavior
There will be a second Kindergarten open house tomorrow night 5:30pm-6:30pm in the auditorium - current parents/HSA members are welcome to share their experiences at Lea
HSA election announcement: Still accepting nominees for Vice-President and Secretary on the NOMINATION FORM
Discussed potentially forming a position for communications
Book Fair is coming up!
Books to be delivered Thursday 5/12!
May 18, 19, 20 from 10:30am-3:30pm (set up starting at 9:30, break down ending at 4pm)
We need volunteers! Set up/fair staffing/break down each day. Email if you can help out, even just for a short amount of time. You can also sign up here:
Could use more people with set up and break down
Will give vouchers to get every kid a book!
Financial Report
Total available: $4,534.42
Earmarked: $1500 for free books for bookfair.
We have received $200 for this and another $1000 pledge gift from Garden Court (thanks!!)
Scholastic Dollars balance: $1639.63
Recent purchases:
Lea mugs ($266.42)
Teacher appreciation lunch ($1650)
Individuals present voted to approve (10 yes, 3 abstentions)
Yard projects
Ground markings project - floor plan? In the works, no recent updates
Put a sign on the shed – there is just gardening supplies in here; there are cameras monitoring the area – Mazzeo or Rich could laminate or just buy a sign from Lowes
May/June gardening day? June 5th at 3pm
Broken fence along Spruce Street - Principal G reached out to the district about getting it fixed ASAP
Checking in
Bench in honor of Kim’s mother - looking into getting the concrete slab poured
New tree in honor of Sergei Nussl from Philadelphia Orchard Project: cherry tree to be planted Tuesday. Mr. G will reach out to his family to include them in any plans for a memorial. It would be really nice to be able to have some of his students play
Fixing playground hole - date? Whenever we have a good weather weekend!
Trash cans - Steph will reach out to the Enterprise center re: the donated trash cans and we will need to get some chains to secure them
End-of-year items (~$4500 to spend)
Funding year-end celebrations- $300 per grade band available for teacher reimbursements (Steph will send out email)
8th Grade: 49 students – Rachael will give stickers, pop sockets, magnets to Rich for the students
Other items?
Aldi gift cards - $50 / 15-20 total ($750-1000)
Next meeting date: (7pm over Zoom) June 8, 2022
Lowe’s shopping list:
Chains (lock?)
Camera sign