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4-12-23 Meeting Notes

April 12, 2023

HSA Meeting

7pm over Zoom

Present: Rachael G, Sara N, Adam W, AP B-C, Sam J, Mr. H, Ms. Saida

School updates:

  1. Parent meeting for 8th graders today (graduation season) - lots of events! Spirit of Philadelphia, Clark Park cookout, graduation day is on the 9th at West Philly High

  2. Spirit Week coming up to get ready for PSSAs - different theme each day

    1. Mon: favorite sports team

    2. Tues: super hero / anime character day

    3. Wed: twinning day

    4. Thurs: School color day (red/white)

  3. Autism Awareness Day - April 28; 8th graders will be helpers at stations in the gym. Will be sending out a letter to the school soon about this.

  4. Still clearing the yard after school through this Friday

HSA Financial Updates

  1. Balance: $2500 (plus $300 in cashbox, needed for book fair change)

  2. Spent $246.24 on outdoor chairs!

  3. Book fair - we do have a sponsor for the free books so do not need to earmark funds for that

HSA Officer Nominations - elections during May 4 meeting

  1. Samantha J (President) and Amanda D (Secretary)

  2. No treasurer nominees - we can try to figure this offline w/Megan. If you can think of anyone, let us know.

Helping interview during site selection

  1. Tuesdays and Wednesdays/Thursdays from 3:30-6pm for the next few weeks (3:30-4:15, 4:15-5:00, 5:15-6:00) - parent/guardian involvement is flexible

  2. Hybrid interviews

  3. 7 positions: Autistic support, 2 middle school (7th and 8th social studies/language arts), 2 elementary (3rd and 4th), learning support for SpEd, Tech

  4. Adam might be available - Steph will let Gerwer know

Upcoming projects:

  1. Benches: Adam will continue talking to Nate at UCD. If we need to buy benches, parents would probably donate.

  2. HSA budgeting process (now through May 4 meeting)

  3. Possible: Art Fair on May 4 - tbd (May 5 is the backup Autism Awareness day)

  4. May book fair - May 10, 11, and 12 (10:30-4 each day)

    1. Will hold the fair outside in the small school yard and will cancel in the event of inclement weather.

    2. Penn Literacy Network is giving us $5k so we can buy a book for every kid again

    3. Volunteer needs: Sign up here

      1. Setup the weekend prior (putting up banners and posters outside)

      2. Setup each morning of the fair

      3. Running the fair

      4. Fair breakdown at the end of each day

      5. Bakers!

      6. Swag

    4. FYI - Mandy will take over book fair next year

    5. Steph will coordinate w/Denise to get an assortment of HSA swag to sell (just need it by the day of)

  5. Anything for teacher appreciation week? (May 8-12)

    1. Lea swag usually goes a long way, no teacher would say no to breakfast and/or coffee. This is during PSSA make-up time, and days are long!

    2. Maybe stock up the break room for the week. “Grab and go” style snacks, coffee pods, tea, cups, etc. Maybe one thing per week? Decorate with cards from kids? Steph will put out a call for volunteers for a subcommittee to organize this in the follow up email.

    3. Sara will draft a post for what parents and kids can do to appreciate teachers throughout the week.

  6. Tabling at Clark Park May Fair? (May 13; $40 if we are fundraising or selling items and $30 if we are just there to have a table) - Nope!

  7. Graduation support

    1. 35 students; we could possibly spend $10/student

    2. Maybe buy a bulk order of “I graduated from Lea” lanyards and giving them yearly?

    3. Water ice at the Clark Park cookout? (June 7 at 12:30-2pm)

  8. Is there a way to support the weekly Lea Express? Parents have really appreciated it. Brief/to-the-point is great. AP Barney-Cheney will pass this along.

  9. Adam will buy a new basketball net.

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