Individuals Present: Adam, Principal G, Rachael G, Mike K, Rich L, Megan L, Aynna R, Stephanie F, Dell S
Agenda Items:
Updates from Principal G
Election results
Project updates
New projects
Business Items
Updates from Principal G
Mr. Brown and Principal G are working on getting gifts to staff!
Met with other principals tonight and Helen Gym, talking about budgeting concerns and partnering with City Council. Some of her reps will be talking with Principal Gabout funding for restorative practices / social justice work. Concerned about leveling and how our budget may be affected by lower enrollment because of Covid -- Gym is advocating for keeping funding levels the same regardless of this year’s enrollment numbers. We should strategize about how to work with Gym and other advocacy efforts. Budgets are submitted in May.
Rich, Artia, and Principal G have been talking about a Family Arcade Night in January. Recommendations for games or other ideas, let them know.
Trying to help not get things “stale” given that we may need to do this for 6 more months. Trying to figure out how to ‘gamify’ things more. Met with Class Craft recently - working on doing a trial for a few teachers who are interested. Kids can give each other shout-outs, too. Demonstrating skills gets kids to level up.
Interim reports come out in two weeks
Working on meeting with reps from Access Centers - trying to improve relationships with the staff at these centers and daycares to be in better communication with them and support the kids better
After-school programs are pretty under-enrolled, but we have a lot of rich opportunities available, including tutoring. UACS is willing to adapt their hours to student needs (even starting late, like 7pm).
Election results (Dell): New officers!
Megan - treasurer, Krissy and Adam - VP, Rachael - secretary, Steph - president
Steph will reach out to the officers to set up an officer’s meeting
Project updates
Staff appreciation gift updates (Rachael) - Raised: $835.55, spent -$1,410.72
Scholastic book order updates (Krissy) - 12 teachers took advantage - still have $4500 left; we’re good for another 6-7 months. Scholastic has its own line of PPE for kids
New projects
Lea Shirt order request by Ms. Clarke (Adam) - Our inventory is pretty low. Our baseball shirts are usually pretty popular, so we’re due to order something anyway. We have $1,800 in the bank account not earmarked for school supplies. Adam will talk to Sterling Baltimore to price out shirts.
School supply needs / process: $2,641.49 remaining
Generic supplies for pick-up as needed: whiteboard markers, crayons, markers, post-its, index cards, notebooks, K-1 paper, etc. Then set amount per classroom (23 classrooms, 7 support classrooms/specials) Do we raise more money? Still need to think some more on this. Anyone with bright ideas, let us know!
Need that emerged from the school survey that HSA might be able to help address: Maintaining a sense of community for kids -- ideas?
Outdoor play dates when conditions are better?
Online games -- once you get past a certain number of people, it can get unwieldy. It’s also hard to balance screen time.
Pen pals??
Online recess - maybe republicize
Still need to think some more on this. Anyone with bright ideas, let us know!
School funding advocacy (Mike): budget shortfall, school closures were mentioned. Tax abatement changes should add money to school funding -- but they voted to push this back for when this would start. Final vote is tomorrow at City Council. Mike has some info that he can send us to advocate to councilmembers. Various efforts to get institutions to pay PILOTs.
HSA “business” items
Set dues at $0 or eliminate? (Megan) - for 501c3 stuff, we have to abide by bylaws, and our bylaws say that we have dues. Can we set dues at $0? Yes, we all agreed to set dues at $0. We also need to amend bylaws at some point. 501c3 updates - working with Angela Curry on this but no new updates
Next meeting: January 27, 2021