Individuals present: Megan, Adam, Rachael, Tom, Mr. Rich, Mr. G, Denise, Elsa
Updates from Mr. G
Financial Report
Book Fair recap/debrief
Chipotle recap/debrief
Playground/yard projects
Health and Safety Supply Drive for January?
Other areas that need support?
Updates from Mr. G
We’re facing staff shortages - it’s difficult to get substitutes. Parent advocacy could be helpful. We need paraeducators. The staff need better pay (it’s difficult to recruit to low paying positions) & onboarding needs to be expedited.
Reach out to Head of Talent - Larisa Shambaugh, District Operations - Karen Kolsky
Need a long-term gym substitute
Parent volunteers would be helpful at recess time (need clearances and COVID vaccination) - Rich and Mr. B have been running recess
11am - 1:15pm, lunch recesses are 45 minutes, reach out to Mr. G or Mr. Rich
We have a nutrition educator again!
Financial Report
Total available: $ 5814.45 ($3780.45 is available outside of the amount earmarked toward picnic tables and the next book fair)
Received $798.70 (minus the paypal fees) on Giving Tuesday!
Doesn’t include money from the Chipotle fundraiser
Scholastic dollars balance: $595 (does not include profit from the recent fair which will be added once all orders ship)
Book Fair recap and debrief
Over 350 books given to students! (Paid for with Scholastic Dollars)
Earned $842 in Scholastic Dollars from the in-person portion of this year's fair; additional estimated profit of $92 from the online portion
Earned ~$347 from sales of swag/baked goods
Four teachers requested books for their classrooms, which were purchased by donors
Huge thanks to our 20 volunteers who baked and stood out in the cold to get books to our kids!
In the spring, we’ll have the book fair during a week that isn’t half days. May want to continue keeping it open 1-1.5 hours after school. We’ll probably have more books next time, esp. since we want to get everyone a book again.
Chipotle fundraiser recap and debrief
Raised $450.95! Thank you to all who came out!
Playground/yard projects
Signage - class pickup/dismissal, kickball area, and no parking zone - try to take care of this Saturday 12/18 – we just need a diagram for what we need where. Steph can write back to Mandy, etc. about whether they’re available. Rich will talk with the climate and safety team to get a diagram drawn up.
Trash mitigation - consider purchasing additional trash cans? Esp. by the rain garden where kids often eat lunch
Fixing playground holes - take care of this during the day of service project?
Shed installation - Sat. 12/18 - Jeremy, Tom (Mr. G can get it out for us)
Chairs for concrete pads? Let’s go with the log-style ones – they are lower maintenance
Health and Safety supply drive for January
Promote the week of Jan. 10th, plan for drop off the following week - There may be a day of service on MLK Day, so we could collect Jan. 17, 18, 19
Tissues, hand sanitizer, masks, sanitizing wipes
Would be helpful to get more water bottles
Could we have kids submit a drawing of what they dream for their future with a donation? Something like that
Other areas that need support?
Indoor recess games/equipment? Supplies were recently purchased
Parking for teachers?
Support for a garden on the grounds? We aren’t certain about personnel and general sustainability of the project, but it seems like a nice idea. What about any future construction projects on our building? (Big facilities changes are probably about a year or two away)
Next meeting dates: (7pm over Zoom)
January 12, 2022
February 9, 2022
March 9, 2022
April 6, 2022 (moved earlier because of spring break)
May 11, 2022
June 8, 2022